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Checklists & Guides
As we were preparing to set off on our adventure we accumulated lists upon lists of things we needed to do, parts we needed to buy, things to remember, and breadcrumbs of good advice passed back from other sailors. It got to the point where we might legitimately have needed a list of all our other lists (ridiculous)! I would love to say this changes with experience, but ultimately it doesn’t, it merely reduces as some of the day-to-day becomes second nature. With practice, we’ve found roles and routine in some of the more frequent maneuvers like anchoring, VHF comms, food shopping, and going stern-to. Naturally, establishing what works well for your boat, crew and of course, the conditions is unique, and being clear about who does what, when, where, and how, takes time. But in the spirit of paying back some breadcrumbs, here are just some of the lists and sailing lifestyle nuggets we have committed to paper.